Loan product No. 1 “Direct Financing Program of the SDB KR”

The direct financing program involves financing business entities in order to diversify and stimulate the country's economy, create jobs and equalize the economic development of the regions. This type of lending is one of the priority areas of the Bank's lending activities. The selection and analysis of projects with their subsequent financing will be carried out in accordance with the Bank's strategy, priority sectors of the economy and the Bank's internal regulations.


Own contribution
The project owner must make his own contribution in the amount of at least 10% of the project cost; in the case of project financing, own contribution must be at least 30% (own contribution can be made in the form of cash, property, including intellectual property, land, fixed assets, etc.).
Provision for financing
· Guarantees of the State bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Cabinet of Ministers, international financial institutions, banks and the Guarantee Fund of the Kyrgyz Republic;
· Government securities of the Kyrgyz Republic;
· Real estate, incl. land;
· Equipment, vehicles;
· Guarantees of third parties, the acceptability of which is assessed by the Bank in accordance with the Bank's Collateral Policy;
· Other types of collateral in accordance with the Bank's Collateral Policy.
Valuation of collateral
· Valuation of collateral property is carried out by an independent appraisal company included by the Bank in the list of partner companies and posted on the Bank's website.
· The date of the assessment of the value of collateral must not exceed six (6) months from the date of submission of the application for funding.
· The Bank reserves the right to change the cost of the assessment.
Repayment schedule
· By interest – on a monthly/quarterly basis;
· For the principal debt - according to the cash flows of the borrower's business, but not less than 2 times a year;
Grace period
Interest repayment – up to 9 months;
For principal repayment - up to 12 months.
Insurance of the collateral
Insurance of the collateral (in connection with the risk of death, loss, theft, damage, damage and disease) is determined by the Decision of the Bank's Management Board for each project separately.
Interest rate for misuse of credit funds
In case of misuse of credit funds, the interest rate increases to 20% per annum. The Bank reserves the right to submit information about the misuse of credit funds by the client to the Credit Information Bureau.
Special conditions
· All costs associated with the loan and registration of collateral are paid by the Borrower;
· The borrower is responsible for the safety and proper use of the collateral.
The bank does not provide:
loan without security

*The Bank reserves the right to amend the terms of this Program.

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