Loan product Program "Financing of working capital under the guarantee of a partner"
When providing a bank guarantee in national currency, the required amount of collateral must cover the loan amount by 105%
When providing a bank guarantee in a foreign currency, the required amount of collateral must cover the loan amount by 120%
• Individual schedule
Other Bank products
Direct finance
(from 6% per annum, up to 10 years)Targeted financing program through Partner Banks
(from 9% per annum, up to 8 years)Targeted financing through Partner Banks for light industry
(from 9.5% per annum, up to 5 years)Leasing through Partner Banks, FCF and other CCF
(from 6% per annum, up to 10 years)Direct financing of green projects
(from 6% per annum, up to 10 years)Targeted Financing Program for Projects in accordance with Green Criteria through Partner Banks and other FIs
(from 6% per annum, up to 8 years)Guarantees
(issue fee from 0.5% of the amount)Targeted financing through the Kyrgyz Stock Exchange
(from 11% per annum, up to 5 years)Financing of working capital under the guarantee of a partner
(from 8% per annum, up to 5 years)Financing of import operations through the Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus
(from 8% per annum, up to 7 years)Financing of leasing through the Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus
(from 8% per annum, up to 7 years)