Выделенная сумма – 1500 000 Освоенная сумма – 1500 000 Отрасль -легкая промышленность Область – г. Бишкек Район – Октябрьский Цель – Пополнение оборотных средств
Project Amount: 22 975 000 som Amount Issued: 22 975 000 som Industry: Mining Purpose: Acquisition of fixed assets (leasing) Region: Bishkeke city District: Lenin District
Project Amount: 8 500 000 som Amount Issued: 8 500 000 som Industry: Transport and logistics Purpose: Acquisition of fixed assets (leasing) Region: Bishkeke city
Project Amount: 50 000 000 som Amount Issued: 50 000 000 som Industry: Industry Purpose: Acquisition of fixed assets and replenishment of working capital Region: Bishkeke […]
Project Amount: 240 000 000 som Amount Issued: 200 559 094 som Industry: Industry/Agriculture Purpose: Acquisition of fixed assets (equipment) and construction of a plant for […]