Address: I. Razzakova Street 17, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, 720040
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Organization Information * Business entity name
Organization Tax ID enter the taxpayer identification number
Legal Structure select the appropriate option LLCJSCCJSCSPPeasant FarmOther
Industry/Sector water supply sectorhealthcare sectorenergy sectorautomotive industrytourismeducation, human resources developmentscience, research and technologychemical and petrochemical industryagriculture and agro-industrial complexlight (sewing and textile) industryprocessing and manufacturing industrymining and metallurgical industrytransporttradeentrepreneurship developmentinfrastructure developmentinformation technologye-commercecreative industrycellular communicationbusinesses organized according to sustainable principles of commercial activity (ESG)Other
Region (Kyrgyz Republic) Chuy RegionTalas RegionIssyk-Kul RegionNaryn RegionOsh RegionJalal-Abad RegionBatken Region
Organization Address City/Village, street name, building number
CEO's Full Name Last name, first name, patronymic, position
Phone Number
Upload the CEO's passport multiple files can be uploaded
Contact Person Enter full name, position, phone number, email
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Total Project Cost * indicate the cost of the proposed project
Requested Amount * indicate the amount in Kyrgyz soms
Loan Term * the number of years of the loan is indicated 1 year2 years3 years4 years5 years6 years7 years8 years9 years10 yearsOther:
Purpose of the Loan * write what the loan funds are intended to be used for
Own Contribution in Cash *
Desired Repayment Schedule * Annuity (equal amounts throughout the loan term)Equal parts (principal is repaid in equal parts plus interest)With a deferment of the principal repaymentRepayment of the principal at the end of the termOther:
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Description of Collateral * describe the proposed collateral
Collateral Location Address * indicate the settlement, region, street, building number, etc.
Estimated Valuation * indicate the value of the collateral as per your assessment
Collateral Owner * indicate the full name of the owner or the name of the legal entity
Upload Collateral Documents * you can upload up to 5 files up to 10 MB
Title/Right Justifying/Technical Document for the Collateral *
Business Plan *
Financial Statements *
Certificate of State Registration *
Founding Documents *
I consent to the collection and processing of personal data * Agree
I am informed and agree with the conditions for the provision of financing by JSC "State Development Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic" * Informed