Credit Product "Targeted Financing of Projects in Accordance with Green Criteria through Partner Banks and Other Financial Credit Organizations (FCO)"

The credit product "Targeted Financing of Projects in Accordance with Green Criteria through Partner Banks and Other Financial Credit Organizations (FCO)" offers our partners the opportunity to join the growing trend of green financing.

This program aims to stimulate partner banks in developing and financing projects that meet environmental criteria and sustainable development goals. We encourage our partners to participate in financing innovative environmental initiatives, such as energy efficiency projects, the use of renewable energy sources and energy conservation, ecological construction, clean water and clean transport, and other strategically important areas for the prudent use of natural resources.
For this purpose, the State Development Bank has approved its taxonomy of green projects, which will serve as a tool for identifying green projects before the adoption of a country-specific taxonomy. Approaches have been defined for development in green financing and operational procedures for assessing green projects, taking into account the current level of development of the green agenda in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Attractive Interest Rate

An attractive interest rate and the possibility to incentivize borrowers through reimbursement of part of it are the main advantages of the credit product.

Our Goal

Our goal is to create financial mechanisms that contribute to the sustainable development of the economy and help preserve nature for future generations. The State Development Bank is committed to making a significant contribution to the field of green financing, providing our partners with tools to implement innovative solutions in ecology and sustainability.

*For additional information about the program, please contact us at phone number +996(312)988-080

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